Sunday, August 31, 2008
today was really a day of mixed emotions if you ask me. i'm really happy today because i rededicated my life to God again. for the first time in almost 2years, i'm going back because i really really love God again. not because of someone else. i'm starting my walk with God again because i really want to go further with Him, because i really saw what life was without him. God, i don't want to ever live without you again. i don't want to be out of your sight for even a single second.
but then again, it's been quite an emo day because i've been thinking about something, or rather someone. not exactly sad, but it's just that some things have happened recently and i've gotten to know some stuff as well. and really, if you were in my situation, you'd be as confused as me too. but one thing i know, i'm not going to call what i don't want to be as it is. i'm going to stop using that name on you because i don't want you to be that. even if i'm not the one, at least i know that i didn't confess it. i've been saying it for years. i don't know if i can reverse the damage done. but all i know is that i'm not going to confess it anymore. not with my mouth.
i can't call you that anymore
because from even before time
you were more than that to me.
i can't lie to myself anymore
and i don't want to protect myself anymore
whatever will be will be
i pray God, that it'd be an answer
that doesn't break my heart.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
i've learnt a lot this week. and it's all thanks to a few people like Joy, Karen and Lester. as well as Brother Edmund. all these weeks i've really been struggling and trying to find something close to what i used to have with God. and at first, i didn't find anything. but it's the people around me who really kept me going, kept me trying as hard as i could to find that spark back. to all the people who've come down to hall to visit me, thanks much! i really don't know what to say cause everytime you guys come, you'll will definitely bring something that i'll need. to Joy and Karen, thanks for coming down to have lunch with me and walk walk with me. to Lester, i can't list everything down cause there's too much to say, but thank you truck loads and truck loads. you'll always be the one that i can count on to share all my random things. and to brother Ed, i don't see you very often, but thank you for all the little sermon notes and revelations that you post on your blog cause they've kept me going all this while.
So, quelyn's back on track and ready to go!
well. hall's been quite exciting the past week because of SNDCC - Sheares National Day Ceremony Celebration. i finally found out what that means. hahas. but i had a blast cause i had one of the coolest dates in the world - Joel! we were talking about random stuff and it was really funny. i pray that we'll be band mates soon! well, he had to leave halfway cause he was performing, but i had a really nice surprise from him cause he dedicated his song to a few of his other friends and ME! it was used-to-be-but-now-again my fav. song, "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls. i remember the person who first introduced this song to me was someone very impt. but now, we've kinda lost contact. but, that's not important cause it's the song that matters. lols. and surprise no.2, i got a bouquet of flowers!

unfortunately, quelyn still doesn't know how to use her Macbook, thus all picture as in the wrong direction. lols. but it's still really pretty.
and yesterday night, i went to Baybeats with Lester and Samuel. we met my hall seniors, KENNY! and even my secondary school friend, Jim! wow! i think that it was really cool. after that we walked to Clarke Quay in my (very) painful heels and TCC-ed. then we met Joy, Santi, Stefi and one of their other friends. they were all really nice. so when we went home, i was thinking of taking the NR, but guess what, it goes one whole round around singapore before reaching HarbourFront. so i took a cab back to hall instead. bathed, talked on MSN and then went to sleep. hehes.
well, the next week is going to be better! :)
should i join block comm?
i want to.
but then again, will i become too busy?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
quelyn sprained her ankle again. :( cries. and it's very very painful cause it hasn't healed from the last sprain yet. i'm seriously considering if i should go for next week's Nike run. 10km, can my ankle last another 10km? recently i guess i haven't been really taking care of myself cause i've been too busy to do so. Rag, NUS, Sheares, IBG, my marathons and races.
how many things can one person contain, how many things can one person do without overworking. i think that this period of time is another one of those periods where i'm challenging myself to go over my current limits at the expense of myself. but i realize that i am one person who doesn't know when to stop. i tend to push myself to a point where even i myself am sometimes scared of myself. but i really don't know when to stop. with no one to really look after me, sometimes i feel that i'm useless.
but then again, i have my own independent streak. i'd rather hobble my way down from the 7th floor to the common hall in another block to get ice for my leg than ask for help. i'd rather do things myself than ask people to do them for me. i'd rather take up all the responsibility than let another take the blame for it. how strong can one person be? how much can one person take?
well, tomorrow before class starts, i'm going to get my Nike Race Pack. then, i'll consider if i'll run on sunday. the following week's going to be hectic because tutorials are starting and i've got IBG (my hall's sports event of the semester where i am the sports secretary, ironically) and SNDCC (hall's national day formal dinner which i bought a very pretty dress for. =] ) on wednesday.
well, so far, hall life's been quite fun. went kbox-ing with a few of my blockies on friday and had a blast! i didn't know that my guy friend could sing like feiyuqing! and he really sounds quite alike. hahas. that night, we were supposed to have handball, but it got cancelled due to the rain. so another different group of blockies and i went to shengshiong to buy stuff for a STEAMBOAT! hahas. we were steamboating from like 11.30pm till about 2plus in the morning!
well, today was quite a bad day cause of the stupid sprained ankle. i pray it gets better. if you're reading this post, pray for me to, whichever religion you belong to. and i'm praying to Jesus that it'll be a better week the next 7days and that i'll look pretty for my date at SNDCC (did i mention that i HAD TO ask a senior to be my date? goodness. that was the first time in my life i ever asked a guy to be my date. super embarassing! but he's a really nice guy who'll be very busy on that night cause he's performing in the band.) and that my ankle will get better in like 2days so that i can wear heels to SNDCC and so that i can play the IBG events. yupp. i think i'm praying for a lot of things. and i pray that they all come true.
i put that picture up to show that i haven't forgotten
that picture is proof that all this while i couldn't forget
and i don't know about you, but sometimes i try to forget
but most of the time it doesn't work
cause you're on my heart
just like a tattoo
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
haven't been blogging cause life's been super hectic! lectures started last week and tutorials are starting next week. university is a whole new world and it's a new level-playing ground that all of us are on. lectures are more dependent on the individual now because readings are not given by the teacher directly. everything is on an online portal called IVLE. sucks big time, but this is what uni is all about, growing up. hahas.
i "celebrated" my one month in hall just four days ago. one month in hall, and my room's become a home, really a home away from home. in hall, there are many things that are not under your control, so i didn't get to choose which block i wanted to be in. unfortunately for me, the block i'm in ain't really my ideal cause i like a more family-esque block. but i got into a sports block. RAR. i'm fitting in ok, but like the other rag dancers, we've all got a long way to go, a long journey to walk to prove that we belong in our own blocks cause the rest of the freshies got to know each other at SWOC, which we missed due to our dancing. the same as usual, i click faster with the guys than with the girls. the seniors are actually really nice and my best friend will be leaving next sem cause she's an SEP student.
well, not going to blogging anytime soon cause IBG is happening the next two weeks. the last sunday, i ran RUNNUS and finished 10km in 1hr 47mins! no mean feat k. the stu*id course had like 3 steep slopes that were literally vertical, the water points has no water... but i did it! in another week and a half, i'll be running another 10km, this time in the NIKE + Human 10k race. hope that wherever you are, you'll be running with me too cause it's happening in i think at least 10 other countries. yeah! IBG = Inter-Block Games if you're not too sure. and it's only ending next friday. next wednesday there's SNDCC. i got the coolest guy to be my date (freshies had to ask seniors to go for the dinner and rar. it was the first time i asked a guy out on a date! sick. but at least my date's cool! friendly too! lucky me. :D)
well, going to do some work, my readings are literally piling up!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Rag is over. like totally over. school has started and we're all starting a new phase of life. 8thAug was a day where Sheares Raggers cried together like there was no tomorrow because we lost the Chancellors' Shield to our arch-rivals, KR. after so many sleepless nights, after so many red and tired eyes, we still lost to a shoe. i'm still sore about it, but i shall let it pass and simmer because it's going to be my motivation for next year. for two months, we lived, breathed, ate, slept RAG. although we didn't win, at least, we did our best. and that's what counts the most. Raggers - whether you are dancers, MEs, designers, maincommers, parttime helpers etc. - know that you've made a difference. you made that difference in the float, you made that difference in the scales, you made that difference in the performance, you made that difference to Sheares.
today i started my Uni life, my very first lecture in NUS was 5HOURS LONG! argh. but at least it was kind of interesting. went to lecture with cheryl chong and sort of with juni. didn't really make any new friends yet cause everyone there seems to already have their own friends who is taking the mod with them. had breakkie with some of my fellow dancers then gerald and i sent breakkie to juni's room. HAHA! super hilarious cause we were outside his room and then we wanted to put the breakkie IN his room, so we opened the door but it was latched, so gerald squished the pau and custard puff through the opening and left it next to juni's magiclean. i was giggling all the way, and woke juni up!
oh well. and i have loads of readings and textbooks to go through. ARGH. the beginning of another phase of life. well, let's go!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
less than two more days to Rag. less than 48hours to complete the task ahead. less than two sunrises to reach that dream that all of us have been aiming for as a hall for the past two months. two months of thinking, of backbreaking, of cuts & bruises, of sweat, tears and blood, literally. this is what all of us have been working for. this is what i have been breathing and sleeping every waking moment and every short night's dream.
the engineers, designers and material engineers are working on less than 4hours of sleep everyday for the last week or longer. we're all rushing, giving our best. our chairperson, jungseong, has been drilling his tagline for this year's Rag - we're the winning team because we've got the winning moves and combos. but without a complete float, we won't be anywhere. that's why all of us are working round the clock. dancers, we dance from 9am to 11pm. we slack a little and then go down to help in material engineering, sleeping only at about 3am everyday. then we wake at 8am again to begin the day.
this is what all of us have been doing the past few weeks. we've sacrificed everything for this, the weekends, the nights. to show NUS that we as Sheares are unbeatable. today i went out with the dancers for Flag. we had loads of fun and took lots of pictures, camwhoring during the journeys there and back. then we came back to hall and started dancing again. after a long hiatus of 3days, i started dancing again today.
my ankle is nowhere near better by any standards. swollen. painful. nothing else needs to be said cause those two words barely summarize it. words don't do justice to what i feel. but i'm dancing again because it's two days to Rag. less than 48hours. i'm doing this because i've worked too long and have given too much to give up at this point of time. too many things are at stake here. too much blood to be freely given away.
i'm not giving up, no matter what you tell me.some people are being nice
but all of you feel too fake
are you doing it cause you really care
or because you want to manipulate me in the end
friendship don't come that easily
especially when it comes to a person like me
show me your sincerity by showing some genuine love
don't think i cannot see nor differentiate
because you couldn't be more wrong
i'm not innocent nor naive
don't try to pull a fast one on me
cause it'll just backfire on you
Saturday, August 02, 2008
sprained my ankle, AGAIN.
and just less than 5hours before Junior Presentation.
so F***** UP.i'm using colourful language.
so you know how pissed / irritated / indignant / "sian diao" i am.
6 more days to RAG.
everyone's rushing.
everyone's giving their all for this dream
the dream that all Shearites share
to win the Chancellors Shield, again.
we are really fighting all out in whatever we do
but i'm slowing down
i have to get better
i MUST get better in 4days or less
it's going to take a miracle
and i'll believe in one
it feels as if i've already slided away
they say the people around us are not perfect
and that only God is
but if the people around me don't understand
then what's the use of going to them for help
i conclude that i am helpless