Monday, June 30, 2008
these feelings are, complicated. on one hand, i'm really happy cause i got into the hall of my choice. after the long and anxious wait, i'm finally - Shearite. but on the other hand, i'm hearing that so many of my kongbakpaus are not getting into Sheares. this is bad, very bad. i'm sad because my friends will not be with me. sure, i can make new friends. but it won't be the same. kongbak will always be special. always and forever.
KONGBAKPAU-ians, i love you forever!
and i want to be with you people forever too.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
that's what a senior said today. went for LTC pre-camp and was quite surprised because my group was very different from the one i led last year. but i guess that is why the seniors are willing to come back to school for more than 3years in a row to facillitate the new leaders of nanyang.
being a leader is not easy. and will never be easy. being a mentor to these new leaders is never going to be easy either. i realize that as i grow up, there's going to be a generation gap between me and the new leaders. the way we were treated and the way that they will have to be treated is vastly different. the dynamics of the people will always change. and this is where the challenge lies.
today's experience wasn't the best. but it only means that the leaders under me have a vast amount of potential to really grow. and as professor amy says, it will be my greatest satisfaction after camp breaks to see them having grown from what they were today. and i honestly pray that i will be able to help them become something more than what they are today because this is the ultimate goal of grooming leaders - to see them grow, spread their wings and fly independently, making a difference in even more people's lives.
judgements - i have to learn to put them away. especially after the level camp experience. somehow, i'm in a dilemma right now. should i? or shouldn't i? the answer is one that i know i should carry out and i guess that i have no choice but to do so. because i want to bring an open mind to camp, i want to see the best in people and believe that they have more potential than they are actually showing now.
learning - going to LTC again as a mentor, it's going to be another different experience and i hope to grow a lot more than i did last year. i'm going to end my 18th year of life by learning even more than myself and learning new skills. everyday is about learning and it's a process that never stops.
LTC, let's go!
on another note, as a RAG DANCER i found out when going to the first practice that the last few months, i've become more inflexible. all the months of not dancing is taking it's toll. i hope that nothing else will happen to me so that i can continue to dance. dancing, it's a way of life. it's a passion that people will never understand unless they experience it themselves. honestly. it's the same as me not being able to understand why some people are such avid gamers. theirs is a passion that i don't understand either. but it's the same passion that drives us to what we do.
hehes. it's late.
going to sleep.
i've vented out everything i wanted to already.
Friday, June 27, 2008
five days of Arts Camp = one hell of a time! hahas. camp was a blast and a very refreshing experience because we were literally humping our way throughout the whole 5days because of our house cheer. honestly speaking, our cheers were quite rated, but it was a really cool change of tone. i got to know a bunch of new friends in my OG, Athena. and i met so many other NYJCians. like seniors and those of the same batch as me. when i signed up for arts camp, i thought that i would be alone, but turns out, i wasn't! my classmates and OCIP friends were there and random people whom i know by face but not by name from ny. HAHAS. not really up to a long entry because of 1. being really really tired from all the games and late nights & 2. we went clubbing yesterday and i drank a little too much so the stomach ain't that good now. but i took away the best things from camp. the experience, the feelings.
I WANT TO BECOME AN OGL AT O-WEEK!hehes. but now, it's time for me to get some rest.
it's now 5.53pm & i have to leave the house at 6.15pm
going back to Sheares Hall for RAG DANCE PRAC! yey!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Quelyn is
from the
23rd of june - 27th of june
quelyn loves you all
don't miss me
if you really need me
you'll know my handphone no.
it hasn't changed since i was primary6
Friday, June 20, 2008
おかえり by 飯田 絢香
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
悲しみの色を塗りつぶして 笑ってしまうんです
信じることの大切さ わかってるのに
いざという時 疑ってしまうんです
空っぽの体 流れる時に
あなたのこと 抱きしめたい
おかえり I'm home
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
sweet home
叫んでる人もいるんだと やっと知ったんです
当り前の幸せなんか この世界に一つもない
あなたのため そう思えた
おかえり I'm home
おかえり sweet home
変わらない ずっとある景色
sweet home
探して なくした
立ち向かう 強さに変われたのは
おかえり I'm home
おかえり sweet home
帰る場所 愛をありがとう
sweet home
おかえり I'm home
大丈夫 あなたがいるから
おかえり sweet home
待っててね もうすぐ着くから
sweet home
if anything, right now, this song expresses how i feel. "おかえり" [pronounced as "okaeri"] means "you're home", and it is something that is said in japanese households whenever someone comes back home, the people in the house will welcome the one walking in by saying that line.
but more than that, it's the meaning that is encompassed in the whole song itself. the way the lyrics are phrased is as if it is a confession to her family of how much she loves them [the lyrics were written by the singer herself]. it's also as if it is a reflection of the songwriter on what inspires her to live on everyday.
coming back, i ask myself, what is it that inspires me to live my own life? what do i have that is really worth living for. everyday that i live is just another day that i pass, another day that passes me by. i suddenly feel so empty. sure, my life revolves around God, around university life, around friends. but sometimes, i don't see what's driving me onwards.
if i break down my life into individual days, i don't see why i should live on anymore, or rather i don't see my motivation to live on. i realize that all i do is love. all i know is how to love. but, i don't feel love from others. sometimes i wonder if it is because i don't love them enough and that's why they're not responding to me.
or maybe to me, the most ordinary of things are actually extraordinary and maybe my very plain and ordinary love is not extraordinary enough for everyone. like the second verse of the song translates "blotting out my sadness and painting a smile on my face,/ i pretend as if everything is alright./ i admit that although i can understand the importance of belief,/ it is the most critical of moments that i doubt myself."
honestly, today is a very confusing day for me. so many things that i've never wanted to feel have just come up. i always thought that i was confident enough to take on the world. a few weeks ago, i was down in the pit because i was told i wouldn't be able to sing again. but just in the last two weeks, God gave me a miracle and i've proven that i can sing again. singing at the bar, singing at camp, garnering applause from people i know and i don't. but why at this time am i feeling self doubt. why at this time am i feeling loneliness?
maybe it's because of the last four days since i came back from camp. every night i sit in my room alone. every night, the only thing that keeps me company is the television. the house that i live in is quieter than ever. no daddy. no mummy. no brothers. no sisters. i wish that when i come home, someone would say "okaeri!" or "welcome home!".
the song also says in the middle "because of you, i have come to appreciate that/ there is no such thing as ordinary happiness in the world..." and honestly, that's what i feel too, since walking with God again. but then again, there's always that small little part that is missing. why? why! why? i missing a sweet home. one with a real daddy. a real mummy. a real set of siblings.
home. home. where is my home?
maybe this is why hall life appeals so much to me. to have someone next door come and open my door and start talking to me. to have a group of people who will actually be there for me. for a group of people who are so bonded together that they become more than hallmates - they become family.
おかえり - something that i think i will find in hall. reading all the block blogs of sheares hall, i don't mind being ponded once a month just to know that there's some people out there who are willing to take the time to wet me from head to toe. at least they bother to use some brain cells and muscle strength on you.
home. おかえり paints a vivid picture of Ayaka's love for her family. hopefully one day when i sing this song on stage, i will sing it with the same emotions that she sings it with. and i pray that those emotions within me will be as real as the things that i can touch. when singing, emotions can be faked. but what makes a song even more heart-wrenching and beautiful is when it comes with the singer's real emotions.
On the way to my sweet home,
I can already hear the words, “You’re home!”
I am returning to the place that
gave me the love that I am so thankful for.
Blotting out my sadness and painting a smile on my face,
I pretend as if everything is alright.
I admit that although I can understand the importance of belief,
It is in the most critical of moments that I doubt myself.
And though this empty body of mine seems to
Almost float through the passage of time,
There is this feeling that always carries me forward:
The feeling of longing to hold you in my arms.
Before I could even say, “I’m home!”
I could already hear, “You’re back!”
Those very words are enough
to cause my heart to brim over.
Returning to my sweet home, I
could already hear the words, “You’re home!”
I am returning to the place that
blessed me with a love that I am forever grateful for:
My sweet home.
I truly believe that those
Who only keep their own interests at heart are characters of deceit;
But I also know that there are those
Who are desperately crying out for change.
Because of you, I have come to appreciate that
There is no such thing as an ordinary happiness in this world...
And it is this knowledge that continues to drive me forward.
Before I could even call out, “I’m home!”
I can already hear, “You’re back!”
In this continued acceleration of everyday life...
I could hear the words, “You’re home!”
echoing from my sweet home,
And therein lays a scene that
remains eternally unchanging,
There in my sweet home.
Having searched and having lost,
There are emotional wounds that I have to face.
It was in the power of those simple words
That I drew my strength: the words, “You’re home.”
Already I can hear them say, “You’re back!”
Before I could enter, “I’m home!”
Indeed, their words are
more than enough to fill my heart over.
Returning to the sweetness of home,
I can already hear, “You’re home!”
I’m heading back to the place where
I owe my debt of gratitude for the love it bestowed upon me:
My sweet home.
I can already hear the words, “You’re home!”
As I dream of replying, “I’m home!”
Everything is truly alright now because you are there.
On my way home, I could already h
ear the words, “You’re back!”
Wait for me, I’ll be soon arriving,
My sweet, sweet home.
translation of "Okaeri"
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
i never thought that one day i'd sing
but i did with the MFChoiri never thought that one day i'd sing internationally
but i did in Japani never thought i'd take the stage as a lead vocalist
but i did in our very first concerti never thought that the stage would mine alone
but i did that in the barnow, would i dare to dream of being on an international stage as a star?
a random thought that i had when i woke up todayjust as my sister dreams of being a teacherjust as my brother dreams of being a professional sailorbut, we are all stopped by the ambitions of our parentsi am personally stopped by old and new injuriesstopped by stupid throat infectionsbut what is the price we are willing to pay to fulfill our dreams?for me, i'm willing to give my life
just for that moment in a concert hallfilled with fans screaming my namebut who will take our dreams seriously?
youth dream to fly
but seldom does the world comply.
Monday, June 16, 2008
just came back from SECC and i am totally shagged. i slept a total of 25.7 hours since last monday. i'm already half a zombie. but i had a total blast at camp. and now more than ever, i know that Sheares is really the one for me. all the other halls can go fly kite because i've finally found somewhere that i can feel as if i'm at home. but i have to say that camp was really disgusting - because of the games. hahas. can you imagine chin chow and shaving cream + green paint and tomato ketchup being poured over you? eww. i think i'm going to have to wash my hair and scalp extra carefully the next few days.
coming back from camp, i'm really happy now because i can still sing. and, i'm going to dance again. no injury is going to stop me from dancing at Rag '08. if i could survive two camps, dance is going to be easy. hahas. high-spirited, that's what i am with regards to entering NUS and, i'm praying really really hard, Sheares Hall.
during SECC, the people who really made a difference to that experience was KONG BAK PAU! with them, i ate my first kong bak pau, i stepped into shengshiong for the first time, i learnt hokkien cheers for the first time and i stayed in hall with them for the first time. so many firsts - shows that i'm still growing. and of course, all this would never be possible without EMILY, SHIPING & LIONEL - our friendly caretakers. hahas. but emily and shiping had to leave early, or else today's lunch gathering would have been perfect. found my senior, YY in KBP. found CHERYL KANG! - my friend whom i haven't talked to for a long time. found SILEI, the cute jappy girl from PJC. found BERNIE - our sexy pagent queen. found Gerald - our Mr. Personality. hahas. and i'd name everyone else, but i can't spell their names!!!
hahas. and i found new eyecandy who is totally my type. but too bad for me - i'm not exactly his type. lols.
can't wait for RAG! cause we have the KONG BAK RAG DANCE TEAM.
and can't wait for SWOC! where i'll officially become a SHEARITE!
quelyn is thinking of taking a double degree... should she?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
when i signed up for camp, i did so out of whatever faith i had in me.
when i started my long fast, i did so out of whatever faith i had in me.
disappointment, in myself for not being faithful enough to accept the things of God. for not being strong enough to prove myself worthy to be a warrior of God. for not listening enough to be a child of God. i hope that at camp, i'll have an experience powerful enough to change all my views and give me even more strength and hope.
on another note, it's going to be weird going to camp. this will be the first time in almost two years that i will be going to a church camp. and the last about 10 church camps that i went to, i was in the organizing committee. and i suddenly see how much i've regressed in my walk with God. from being a servant in those days to being nothing right now. i want to start serving again, but i'm apprehensive. i don't know where to start or where to serve although i have a few choices in mind. but i'm still praying about it.
prayer, i realize, has been my source of comfort during the past few trying days. i don't know why, although i cannot totally see God's plan, i feel that i've changed. last week, i was telling k2 that i feel like disappearing again, but i've held on until now. prayer - it gives me strength, but not enough. i hate it when things contradict. i hope that things go back to normal soon.
when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
especially when the have God on their side!
Monday, June 02, 2008
being strong ... is tough.
being strong ... is tiring.
for the past two days, that's what i've been trying to be. trying to be normal. trying to be happy. but it's not easy. i wish, i wish i had someone to lean on again. someone who would hold me to himself and just let me lean on for an extended period of time. but, that's not possible. in fact, it is impossible. this is the first time in my whole life that i realize that quelyn cannot find something, quelyn cannot do something that she wants, quelyn cannot have someone that she wants.
i was telling k2 that i still cry myself to sleep at night even though rationally, i know that i shouldn't be. k2 replied that it'll just be a few days before i get over this, and he told me not to take too long. yh tells me not to be emotional about it. but these tears really have no emotional connections at all. sh*t. i hate it when something like this happens. i know what i should be doing, but something else happens and i cannot control it. i wish that the two of you were by my side. the word being "wish". and now, quelyn has found a second thing that is impossible for her to make come true.
suddenly i feel so limited. suddenly i feel so hard pressed. i tell myself that God has a better plan for me. but i'm not seeing that "better plan". and it doesn't help when my crew is telling me that they're getting ready for another competition - i haven't tell them that i won't be competing in anything for at least the next two years. how am i suppose to break the news to them? four years ago, they were the one who gave me my wings, taking me under theirs until i could hold my place on that stage. everything from hiphop to jazz and even to my academic KI paper, they were the people who taught me everything i know, every move that i can make. i've never left them. even when i had council + a boyfriend + church, i never left them. i always made time for them. but now, i'm going to break their wings. rainbeauZ, i'm really sorry. this blog's url name was dedicated to you, to us, but now... i'm sorry.
i believe that this happiness of mine will come back someday, one day. and it doesn't matter how long i have to wait, because it will be all worth it. for now, i'm sorry to those that i will have to let down. but i myself wasn't given a choice in everything that has happened. i can only choose what i am going to do from now on.